Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Thanks to Facebook, I now know what Jesus thinks about me. Oh yes! It's true! I simply answered 7 basic questions and got my results: Jesus thinks you're a SQUARE. Huh? I guess going to church and doing the right thing = square. Oh well I will take it. Seriously though people, what would we do without Facebook? How would Jesus ever talk to us? I am counting my blessings :)

I also found out I'm Mary Magdalene and King David. Thanks again Mark Zuckerberg.


Morgan said...

I don't think I ever have thought of you as "square", but then again, I'm not divinity...

Annee said...

Wear the label with pride.

Amen about Facebook. Where would we be without it? Truly lost on this planet. And so very, very alone. (I hope you know I'm kidding).