Friday, January 30, 2009

I am a pirate.

Hey, long time no see. Sorry for the delay in posting, but my life isn't blog-worthy lately. Until yesterday when I scratched my cornea, (self-diagnosed). It hurt so bad! It hurt when it was open and when it was shut, but better shut. So after a long day of pain, I finally did what i had to do. See:

It just felt so much better shut than open, and all the Google articles i read regarding my condition (I'm not a hypochondriac) said to keep it shut. I got the eye patch first, but it wouldn't hold the eye shut, so tape came next. It hurt all night, but when I woke up this morning, most of the pain was gone. My eye is swollen for sure now, so I look a little funny, but a full recovery is quickly approaching.

P.S. this is not the first (or last) time I was a pirate. (Thanks for the reminder Brooke!)


Taylor and Chelsea Cotter said...
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cydr2012 said...

YYARRRRR!! Swab the decks! hold me calls! Captain Cyrus wants his coffee! Yaaarrrr

Brooke said...

where is that picture of you dressed as a pirate at disneyland? You should post that too!